Episode One: The Movement Thoughts and Perspective

I just finished watching the first episode of The Anarchists, the aformentioned in this blog series that chronicles how I came to Mexico to live within the Anarchapulco community in Acapulco, Mexico back in 2016.   My first impression is that Im surprised that HBO let this be released, this absolute ode to society on […]

Crochet Business Update

Note: This is originally adapted from a Facebook post I made a week or so ago in regards to a big change I made in my crochet business model. Since Im making this website my new means of accepting orders, I figured it was important to share this here, too. I am here to share […]

A Year of Metamorphosis: Silks, Teeth Jobs and Crochet

I almost laugh to myself because about a year ago I overhauled this site, made it all pretty then was too distracted working for other people’s projects while trying to build my own crochet business. The reality is after the murder I basically had to beg for jobs to have money to survive. To those […]

Highly Functional Growth is CHANGING.


Hi, guys. It’s been awhile and things are changing. There is no doubt that 2020 left much of the world rethinking how to do things, myself included. For awhile this project remained in limbo something I still crave to do with my content but not having the time or really the direction to build this […]

Journal: Crafts, Tacos and Hammocks

*Photo Caption: Close up of my breakfast. Taco meat, avocado, red onion and home made tortilla chips fried in beef fat The last few days have been a bit rough. Since the drama more or less I’ve been either hard to motivate or making little mistakes. Today I made a trip to town for a […]

Journal 3: Typical Day of the Autistic Agorist

*Photo Caption: Another 10 pesos plant I bought because of the flowers The Day in the Life of the Autistic Agorist Today was calmer than the days previous. It was a simple day involving work, food, and some shopping. I life out in rural Mexico. For those unfamiliar with Mexico as a whole, the majority […]

Journal 2: Terrified to Try To Trust the Government

Photo Caption: It’s Jasmine season <3 This was originally written about my fear of having to trust the government, these fears haven’t passed even though this day has. Despite the fact that the conflict of yesterday was resolved I have been hard to motivate today. This is somewhat compounded by the fact that I can’t […]