Highly Functional Growth is CHANGING.

Hi, guys. It’s been awhile and things are changing.

There is no doubt that 2020 left much of the world rethinking how to do things, myself included. For awhile this project remained in limbo something I still crave to do with my content but not having the time or really the direction to build this out in a way that suits my lifestyle.

Its no wonder when I started this project I was still in the process of discovering what exactly is my lifestyle. From the way that I life with my neurodiversity to how I work and what I like my space to be like. I feel like I’ve emerged from that somewhat suddenly, feeling a direction to take this.

This will once again be my personal blog.

I focused too much on monetization before and not enough on personal content. I promised a store but couldn’t figure out how to build it the way I wanted simply because I hadn’t built my business the way I wanted. I vaguely thought of selling craft patterns I was compiling, which I eventually turned into a book.

Turns out I needed to rebuild my life before I could share about it and build a store.

Kind of like putting the cart before the horse.

I also spent a lot of time shopping which is actually really helpful when it comes to learning how to sell things. I figured out what caught my eye as far as advertising and the like is concerned. And now I have a business I can build a store around and it all just makes a lot of sense. I don’t regret starting this project before my life was ready in any way because I learned so much about web design in the process.

Anyway, here’s the plan for the changing website.


It’ll feature my ebook and future products as well as links to other places where things I make are featured. I started designing some products for Agorist Threads for example. It’ll also feature MADE TO ORDER options for my crafts. I’ll have a small standard painting size for example, a listing for my cactus hats ect. All of these will be listed with a “made once ordered and paid for, please expect 6 weeks delivery depending on wait list”.

Currently I take orders privately and collect money privately but I find Im forgetting about orders I agree to here and there and that bums me out so this is my attempt at trying to get it all in one place so no one who is truly serious is forgotten. For those who want something very custom, there will be a new process for that too.

Hire ME to Hire US

This project was rebranded last year with the intention of highlighting my partner who has spent the last year hustling and learning his own personal freelancing groove. I’ve been helping him get jobs as the only thing he really lacks is the network of opportunities, not the skills to follow through on tasks. For that reason I’ll find a way to make it so that page is for both of us, even if it means I just delegate tasks to him that I review before turning in as “done” to be sure its up to my standards.

More content

I’ve been collecting videos and pictures for 2 years now that I haven’t shared mostly because my old computer couldn’t handle the video work necessary to make the projects what they needed to be. My job at Anarchapulco 2021 yielded me a Mac that can handle anything I throw at it.

Anyway, stay tuned there’s much work to be done.

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