A Year of Metamorphosis: Silks, Teeth Jobs and Crochet

I almost laugh to myself because about a year ago I overhauled this site, made it all pretty then was too distracted working for other people’s projects while trying to build my own crochet business. The reality is after the murder I basically had to beg for jobs to have money to survive. To those who have employed me, thank you.

Recently I made a bit of a shift in my work load to make more time for my crochet business and hopefully have more balance. I was basically working from like 5 am till 9pm every day for months and I was left feeling pretty mentally and emotionally burnt out. Realistically had I not started learning aerial silks, I would not have lasted doing all of what I was doing for as long as I was.

Also a huge part of what happened was my teeth, I ended up making enough to make a good start on the huge mess that is my mouth. I got some veneers, a wayward canine pulled and some other stuff. And honestly it had me exhausted and in pain for months. Then there’s the IUD. I plan to share more about all of this.

Anyone following me on social media knows now that I am obsessed with the circus arts. I found a good gym with amazing teachers and students that feel like a little circus family. Im so obsessed that I have a hoop outside my bedroom door inches way from railing and silks hanging from the staircase. Its been real.

For me its a thing of freedom. I have these ever looming legal issues that I am now trying to take big steps to fix. But in spite of those I really try to live and enjoy my life and my progress with silks is evidence of that. Its a combination of my childhood obsession with climbing basically everything and my body’s apparent need for exercise.

Life is short and I’ve wanted to do aerial arts for like a decade just never had the access. Turns out its surprisingly cheap to do this on an obsessive basis in Mexico. For the silks themselves I paid less than 25 bucks for 12 meters of silks, 6 meters climbing height because you double them over. The hoop was second hand from my amiga from Argentina who is moving back, 75 USD complete with the whilrligig that makes it spin. Apparently not obsessed enough to learn the official terminology.

So I’ll keep it up probably forever, I have plans to buy a professional setup so I can setup anywhere, my rooftop garden included. I feel gifted to be able to do this despite my life situation in Mexico.

And I’ll be honest, it’s nice to have community that isn’t english speaking, from the United States here. I am comforted by the Spanish chatter and sometimes screeching that happens in those classes.

4 Responses

  1. Hey! I just want to say. I love a woman that stands up for what she believes in. You are anarchist through and through. Also I love aerial silks as well! They have been a large part of my recovery from drugs and alcohol. I’m a big fan of you! Not to be too cheesy but your story is inspiring and scary . So sorry about the loss of John. That was horrific to watch and it just makes me angry. The war on drugs has to end

    1. Thank you so much for these kind words. Having been through what you have, you understand more than anyone I think why I am obsessed with the aerial arts. Gotta outclimb the bad shit somehow to rise above <3

  2. Also I was interested in coming to Mexico to get dental work done. How was your experience any doctor recommendations would be appreciated

    1. Mexico is FILLED with amazing dentists. I just found one by google reviews. You could probably go anywhere in Mexico and just go to one thats 5 stars and have a great experience. I spent about 2k to get 6 porcelain implants, one horrible extraction from the roof of my mouth, a few cleanings, a few whitenings. 3 of those teeth I got are in a bridge to cover a blank spot from where one of my canines never came down. I recommend basically anywhere in central Mexico over coastal areas just because everything tends to be cheaper in central Mexico. The less touristy, the better.

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