Find Me on PeakD

I started my blogging career on Steemit over 3 years ago at this point. It was my way to support myself while telling my story. After the murder, I lost access to my account @lily-da-vine because the police stole everything from me, including my computers and hard drives which held my master key. About a […]

Adventures Around Mexico: Sneak Peek to Mexican Travel Adventures

Over the last year I’ve seen a lot of Mexico although I’ve kept the majority of my adventures to myself mostly out of paranoia, until now. My legal situation is still delicate but I’m finally formulating a solution for that and am thus starting to finally feel inspired to share my content I’ve been compiling […]

Authentic Instant Pot Birria Recipe

Making the decision to move to Mexico was easy because I thought I loved Mexican food. As it turns out, I do, but what I thought was Mexican food is actually TexMex. And what’s really Mexican can be even better. Today’s example? Birria. For those who have never had it, birria is slow cooked meat […]

Lily Forester on Agorist Nexus

As a freelancer, I work for many. Really I’m more or less at a point where I accept 90 percent of jobs I’m offered. But when I was approached by Agorist Nexus after appearing on their podcast last December to write for the blog, I was excited. I now do more things than just writing […]

Rise of the Quarantine Garden: How to Grow Food During the Coronavirus Crisis

One seriously unintended result of Coronavirus and all this Covid-19 drama is the worldwide boom of gardening likely inspired by the Victory Garden boom from World War 2. Worldwide people are flocking to their gardens for entertainment and a hedge against possible collapse of the food supply while the world is more or less shut […]

Monarchs in Mexico 2019: Record Breaking Flock Numbers!

Last fall, Monarch Butterflies were recorded migrating south in record numbers but in reality that was just an estimate based on satellite images while they travel. The true test of whether or not the Monarchs were arriving in record numbers depends on how much end up at the resting place in the state of Michoacan, […]

Autism and the Carnivore Diet: A Journey to Self Discovery

Highly Functional originally started as a concept that I used to use to describe myself, specifically my nature to smoke lots of cannabis and get lots of things done. It still holds this connotation to me although I’ve been working on changing my relationship with Cannabis. In the last year I am finally starting to […]