Lily Forester on Agorist Nexus

As a freelancer, I work for many.

Really I’m more or less at a point where I accept 90 percent of jobs I’m offered. But when I was approached by Agorist Nexus after appearing on their podcast last December to write for the blog, I was excited. I now do more things than just writing for them but I thought I’d take the time to highlight first all the posts I’ve shared through them plus a few of my favorites written by other authors!

Posts by Me:

How To Protect Yourself Against Covid 19 Collapse with Agorism

How to Bug Out to Mexico

Hacks for a Modern Day Agorist

Mexican Markets are the Perfect Agorist Paradise

Birth of an Agorist

Evidence of Mexican Agorism

Post by Others

How to Obscure Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Transactions

An Agorist Revolution Through Fiction

Let Our People Go: The Medical Case for Reopening Society

Agorism and Breaking the Chains of the State

An Agorists Response to the Panic and Pandemic

Anarchovillage: Ground Zero of Agorism

Panopticon Rising: Covid 10 and the Elite Enslavement Plan

I am extremely lucky to have the pleasure of working on only projects I like that support things I care about. Had you told me back in 2012 when I first heard about Bitcoin that I’d be living as an agorist in Mexico primarily paid in crypto in 2020 I’d have laughed at you, truly. I couldn’t imagine my life any other way.

Soon I’ll share about my other big collaboration with the blog known as Homestead Guru that I’ve worked with on and off for a few years. Expect big things here at Highly Functional Growth as well as at Homestead Guru and Agorist Nexus!

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