Life Changing Guacamole Recipe

Anyone who’s followed my journey over the years knows I have struggled with food. I love all kinds of food but not all kinds of food love me back, all the time like I would like them to. This for me is a foray back into my old blogging style in many ways. I stopped […]

Episode 6: Evolution Opinion and Perspectives

Well, that was a lot.  Perhaps the most emotional episode so far for me at least if you can believe it. I was left feeling very conflicted after episode 5 and now after episode 6 I feel emotionally drained, but also somehow seen.  This is by far my favorite episode, as far as Im concerned […]

Episode 5: Damage Opinion and Personal Perspectives

I have mixed feelings on this last episode. I’m not sure how else to put it. Naturally all of this has brought me back to those times and that relationship and the way I felt during that relationship.  I’ve been somewhat accused of only focusing on the bad memories of that relationship. The reality there […]

How I Met Jason Henza: Guest Post from an Unsung Hero

This post was written by my good friend and someone I call my crypto Dad Doug Barbieri. Originally posted on substack, here. While he was interviewed by the producers of The Anarchists, his story with us so far has not been worked into the episodes. Its hard to fit 6 years into only 6 hours […]

Episode 4: Living without the Law Opinions and Perspectives

Ok, so like where do I even start with Episode 4. I suppose the Facebook live videos, to explain why I went live.  While I did message Lisa Freeman immediately after the murder, I didn’t call her and I know this because I couldn’t call anyone on my phone. You can see a bit in […]