Moments in Quitting Weed that Changed My Brain Chemistry 

Anyone close to me these days or following my story knows that I quit weed about a year ago. Exactly a year actually as of June 9th.  This post was promised that day but I’ve been a little preoccupied with life and work since then so it comes now. My full download of why I […]

9 Unexpected things learned in Circus Classes

Anyone following me in the last year knows my obsession with the circus arts. Its through this that I’ve found freedom in several regards. I’ve even talked about this in a few post show interviews recently, to explain that circus is how I literally out climb some of the rougher parts of my path to […]

How To Build A Personal Zen Garden

Zen Gardens Should Be Personal Zen gardens are one of those things that everyone kind of likes the idea of, but not very many people create them. I remember buying a zen garden as a kid from the Dollar Store and while it amused me long enough to set it up, I more or less […]

Autism and the Carnivore Diet: A Journey to Self Discovery

Highly Functional originally started as a concept that I used to use to describe myself, specifically my nature to smoke lots of cannabis and get lots of things done. It still holds this connotation to me although I’ve been working on changing my relationship with Cannabis. In the last year I am finally starting to […]