Life Changing Guacamole Recipe
Anyone who’s followed my journey over the years knows I have struggled with food. I love all kinds of food but not all kinds of food love me back, all the time like I would like them to. This for me is a foray back into my old blogging style in many ways. I stopped […]
Life Changing 5 Ingredient Prickly Pear Cactus Candy Recipe
This prickly pear cactus candy is INCREDIBLE. When I was 16 I went to Arizona for what was legitimately my first vacation ever. It was like 2 weeks in the Tuscon area which was a huge difference from where I grew up. While there of course I tried prickly pear cactus candy. It was labeled […]
The Best Damn Strawberry Jello Recipe
This recipe has 5 simple ingredients but is, no joke, the best damn strawberry jello I’ve ever had. I’ve loved jello and gummies my whole life. I have considered trying to make jello with real fruit for years. It’s somewhat sad that I haven’t, especially when you consider that I have made cannabis-infused gummies for […]
Authentic Instant Pot Birria Recipe
Making the decision to move to Mexico was easy because I thought I loved Mexican food. As it turns out, I do, but what I thought was Mexican food is actually TexMex. And what’s really Mexican can be even better. Today’s example? Birria. For those who have never had it, birria is slow cooked meat […]